Finance Options

Swamp Donkey Outfitters offer Shop Pay and Affirm at checkout for your financing needs. These options offer up to 18 months 0% financing if you qualify.  Simply check which option you would like to choose and follow their directions. If you are approved you'll recieve an email and your purchase will be completed.

If neither of those options work for you we do offer in house financing. You must call for this options.

The way it works:  

  1. You have a list of what you would like to order.
  2. You call us at 386-233-4796 and tell us, you want the in house financing. 
  3. We go over your items you would like to order. We add those items with the $100 Financing Fee, tax and shipping to find your total. 
  4. The Payment arrangement will be discussed at this point. The 50% of the total to be paid up front and remaining balance being paid from 1 month up to 6 months. This will be decided depending on balance owed. 
  5. The Swamp Donkey Outfitters Financing Agreement will then be sent via email. Customer must sign agreeing to terms described in agreement. Customer must email a copy of state issued ID along with the signed copy of the agreement back to Swamp Donkey Outfitters.
  6. Once signed copy of Financing Agreement and copy of state issue ID are received. We, Swamp Donkey Outfitters, will call the customer to confirm everything on agreement. And to collect the up front payment, 50% of total. 
  7. Once payment is collected order will be processed and shipped. 
  8. Remaining balance will automatically be withdrawn using the same Card as the Up Front Payment until remaining balance is paid in full according to signed agreement. 


  • You must be 18 years old or older.
  • Must have a valid ID, must have an active credit/Debit card or Credit Card.
  • You must be able to be able to pay 50% of total bill; including Financing Fee of $100(non refundable), tax, and shipping day of purchase. 


  • $100 non refundable Financing Fee 
  • Sales Tax
  • Shipping

Fees if Applicable 

  • Late Fee $50. If payment is not successful withdrawn on due date. 
  • $50 Payment Transfer Fee, if Swamp Donkey Outfitters had to change payment to a different card that is not on listed on original agreement. This fee will apply eachtime a new card is used for payment of Financing Agreement. 
  • Any legal fees obtained if customer fails to complete Financing Agreement.